Tag: Bryan Asher

Silverstone’s Book Blog Year in Review Part One

Hello and welcome to The Silverstone’s Book Blog Year in Review. The bloggers here will be reviewing their top three favorite reads of 2023. For me, it was a year of firsts as I published my first fantasy novel, received my first review, was invited to join Silverstone’s Book Blog, and participated in several contests for the indie community. I’ve made some amazing friends and hope to continue into 2024 with more triumphs. I read over fifteen Science Fiction and Fantasy (SFF) books this year out of twenty-seven total books. I tend to read about twenty-four books a year, with...

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The Fear of Moncroix by Bryan Asher

Summary: All the Waywards have Fallen… After a mission against the Royal Vampiric Court goes wrong, all Waywards are slaughtered. All except one. Davion, the last surviving member, must consume potions to mask himself and hide amongst the people who killed his brethren. After a decade of living this double life, Davion resigned to his new purgatory. But all will not remain calm for him or the Court. An unknown swordsman arrives, and after killing several Royal Vampires, a rumor spreads that he’s searching for anyone still belonging to The Wayward order. Davion decides he must track down this mysterious...

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