Tag: E.C. Greaves

Sister of the Dead by E.C. Greaves

Summary: "Call it ritual or cult, if you will. But it is just business... And the dead have long been our commodity." The Vulkari do not belong within the walls of a city, and Zyntael Fairwinter is no different. So when a perilous quest into the heart of the Old-Reach is planned, Zyntael jumps at the chance to join it. Together with her closest allies, she embarks on a journey to travel beyond the mysterious “Mortuary-City” of Quaresh—to cut off the source of the Merchant Combine’s Necromancy. But there is a reason they call it the Mortuary-City. Between dangerous arcane...

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Daughter of the Beast by E.C. Greaves

Summary: When her sleepy village is raided by the Vulkari, the fearsome warrior women of the Ancient Wilds, only Zyntael Fairwinter is taken. Claimed as a daughter by their infamous matriarch, Zyntael is trained to hunt, to fight, and to kill—all for a purpose, which remains ever out of her grasp. In the company of their unruly young, she might find sisterhood. In their unique customs and beliefs, she might find beauty. And in the violence of their raids, she might even find glory. But it is the reason for her capture that Zyntael truly seeks. It is a truth...

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