Tag: sff blog

Get To Know The Blogger: Quinn

Hi! My name is Quinn, I’m a huge fan of everything Kavin is doing at Silverstones Books and I’m so excited to join the team as a book reviewer! I have been an avid reader my whole life but I really dove into adult SFF a few years ago after I graduated from university. My favorite sub-genre is epic fantasy but I read most kinds of fantasy as well as plenty of sci-fi. I discovered the self-published SFF community in early 2023 and have immersed myself in self-published books. I am a huge fan of and advocate for self-pub SFF. Of the 45 books I have read this year, as of this blog post, 26 have been self-published!

I started as a book reviewer early this year when I wrote my first review for Deathless Beast by Andrew D. Meredith. I read a lot but had never bothered reviewing books before, even when I started reading self-pub I only started leaving star ratings. But Deathless Beast hit me so hard and had relatively few reviews that I decided to help however I could and wrote my first review. I found that the process of writing the review helped me examine what it was about the book that I loved so much, and I decided to keep doing it. So while I primarily write reviews to help authors and other readers, I love how writing them forces me to think critically about the books I read and I get more out of each book because of that.