Summary: In a world where writing disappears when the author dies, 22-year-old Cael Oberlan watches the last gasping breaths of his best friend. He pulls a scrap of paper out of his pocket as his friend’s signature fades. Cael only wants vengeance for his friend and to create a reality where he no longer has to bow before any man. However, the nagging suspicion that his father, who started this war, hasn't given him the whole story about his role in this conflict threatens to unravel everything he ever thought he knew about himself and the people he is fighting...
The Traitors We Are by Michael Roberti
Summary In a world where writing disappears when the author dies, Cael Oberlan watches the last gasping breaths of his best friend. As his friend's signature fades, he pulls a scrap of paper out of his pocket and a name disappears. Cael only wants vengeance for his friend; however, the nagging suspicion that his father, who started this war, hasn't given him the whole story about his role in this conflict threatens to unravel everything he ever thought he knew about himself and his people fighting for freedom. As the nephew of the King of Harfel, Emil Trestinsen should...
Get to Know the Blogger: Michael Roberti
Hey everyone! Kavin and I realized that I haven’t done a “get to know you” post yet, so I’m doing that instead of my weekly review. I’ll be back with reviews next week with Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames! Anyway, for those of you who don’t know me: my name is Michael Roberti, but in conversation I go by Mike. I am a husband, father, former punk singer, current high school English teacher, and author. My first series, Crown and Tide, kicked off with The Traitors We Are in 2022, and I released the prequel novella, The Revenge...