A grandmotherly necromancer seeking resolution for her past with the help of her loyal entourage: an undead cat and a spectral knight.
A girl on the run from the Eternal Empire for the mysterious power she possesses.
When a chance encounter pulls them together, Gam Gam will do what it takes to protect Mina from the rogue sergeant hounding her–including raising the dead. As long as they’re dressed for the occasion.
Tennessee Reader –
A Necromancer Called Gam Gam is a heck of a debut from Adam Holcombe. I can say after finishing it that this book is not what I expected. There are heavy themes here along with the humor I was expecting. But this book hits and it hits hard.
Most reviews are simply either a book is good or a book is bad. The reader enjoyed it or didn’t enjoy it. I really liked this book. That’s why it got five stars. But it’s not about being a good book and enjoying it. It’s about connecting with this book on a personal level.
There are four main themes in this book. Life, death, loss, and grief. In one month, I will be without my Granddaddy for a year. I never knew such pain, loss, and grief until his death in June 2022. I still cry at least once a week thinking about him and missing him. After I pray every night, I speak aloud to him letting him know that I love him and miss him so much. I never knew it was possible to grieve this much and to miss someone so.
This book conveys the same sense that I feel with my granddaddy’s death. I don’t know if the author has experienced a close loss like mine and those in this book, but I think he had to have had. He perfectly conveys feelings and emotions, grief and loss. This book connected with me in such a personal way and that’s a credit to the success of the author.
This book wasn’t what I thought it would be and it’s better for it. Sure, the fantasy tropes are there. There are even battles, un-dead, and more than one type of mancer. But the book is perfectly summed up in one word. I won’t reveal that word but it’s spoken by an un-dead being that shouldn’t be able to talk. You’ll know it when you read it.
The author makes a personal connection with me. Some authors may ask, does my work have any real meaning? Does it truly make a difference? Adam, your work has meaning and made a difference!
Also, there’s a cat named Nugget. Bonus points for that because I love cats!